Today I visited Walmart and there they were... a lovely new display of crisp new seed packets calling my name!! The first thing I noticed is that seeds have gone up a bit in the last several years. Just a few years ago packs of seeds were 99 cents.. now the average price is $1.28. There is still the dollar seed section...but I don't recall seeing the 10 cent seeds packs that were available only last year. A lot of my cool weather crops I buy as plants in early March such as the cabbage, lettuce, and broccoli. But as I said I wanted to try carrots, so today I got a couple packs of dwarf carrot seeds. I also got some spinach!!! I've never tried spinach before, will have to let everyone know how that project goes. I went ahead and got some zinnia seeds!! One of my favorite summer flowers, and so EASY to grow!! You can sow zinnia seeds directly in the ground once all chance of frost has passed, they usually come up quickly, and if you dead head the spent blossoms, they will continue to produce beautiful flowers till fall. I got all colors, pink, purple, yellow, even a special lime green variety.. Four O' Clocks are a old favorite of mine I always get a few packs of those, they are also very easy to germinate. Purple Morning Glories and Moonflowers topped off my list today!!Five plants no garden can be without.... Morning Glory's to twine around those old trellis's, Zinnias to line your fence rows, or as a companion plant for your vegetable patch...they act as a bug deterrent. Marigolds...also a bug deterrent, prolific bloomers and they are easy to grow. Larkspurs...lovely early summer color and they reseed themselves immensly..low maintenance. And finally Nasturtiums..easy to grow and they fit quite comfortably in your window boxes. I'm so looking forward to the lazy days of summer when the garden is at it peek of bloom, and the flowers are ripe for cutting..A sweet scent lingers in the air..the garden is full of color and magick..
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