
Good Evening!! Well today was rather dreary..so alas no sun kissed photos for me..Some days are great, others more difficult..but despite all that we must learn to go with the flow and deal with whatever comes our way. This late nite post is more of a rant about feeling weary with the world right now.. I'm sure it will pass. But I need this distraction, this filter for my thoughts and feelings... Anyway..Winter is a hard time for me..I often feel very stuck and restless. The lack of sunlight brings me down..and I am kept from the outdoors, which is typically my outlet. If I'm feeling blue or I just need to get away...I go outside and walk around the yard..or go down to the woods..inspecting the daily goings on of the forest. I'm what I call a "Fiddler" meaning I like to fiddle around the garden. Fiddling can entail many things such as, dead heading spent blossoms, fertilizing the plants, taking lovely photos, filling the bird feeders..and so much more. You have know idea how much time I can spend just fiddling around outdoors. It makes me Happy!! I love outdoor projects, I adore feeling the sun on my skin, and none of that is possible right now. Soooo..I'm feeling just a bit blue. Sometimes I need a little extra encouragement...I ordered some seeds yesterday from Richters, I can't wait for them to arrive!! It gives me something to look forward too..a sign that happier days are on the way!!

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