Genesis 1:29 - And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which [is] upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which [is] the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.
"Comfrey" reminds me of a "Fairy Plant" |
My Richter's Seeds arrived in the mail today.. Yahh!! Complete with seed starting pamphlet and how to guide.. A little lite reading for this evening..when it's storming..grr..Alrighty then stay on I can't wait to get these going.. A few years back a guy I knew who was closing his garden business gave me three boxes full of 2 inch black pots..perfect for seed starting.. Lets see.. I ordered Broom..Broom is such a stately plant.. The first time I grew it from seed was several years ago..I remember I was so excited to see the little seedlings emerge. I've seen certain varieties of broom sold as bushes at places like Home Depot..but never ones like this..This plant is actually called "Dyer's Broom", and grows to about 6 feet all and has beautiful yellow flowers. I was so proud of my plant once it got tall.. I stood back and looked at it with admiration thinking.."I grew that"" I also got Borage, Belladonna, Vervain, Comfrey, Mugwort, and Cowslip.. The only one I'm new to is Cowslip..I know nothing about it..or growing it..but every year I like to try atleast one new plant. So my next post may just be on Cowslip and how to grow get ready to be interested! Enjoy these photos.. I'm sure their images will grace this blog later in the season!! I will have to showcase each of these herbs individually. Each of them are beautiful in their own right and have an array of Medicinal uses..

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