Well round 10..maybe.. hit last night here in Indiana!! It's a Winter Wonderland!! We received about 3 inches of snow on top about a inch of ice.. A little further north received about 5 inches.. I can't help but notice that winter seems different this year..and not just for my little corner of the world..but everywhere.. Everyday on the news I hear more stories about this Winter's icy touch that has reached even the unlikeliest of places. Like the story out of Georgia..a place that rarely receives such arid conditions experienced massive pile ups on the road because people just aren't familiar with frosty weather. Photos of people abandoning their cars..parked cars as far as the eye can see. Truly it was a scene from a END TIME movie I saw last year..GEE. All acrossed the country snow..and more snow.. Towns paralyzed by the increasing snowfalls, salt, and other road cleanup supplies..simply GONE!! My cousin up in Northern Indiana has 14 inches of snow right now, my Uncle in North Dakota is currently digging out from more than 2 feet of snow!! What is going on?? Some would say this is Winter.. and snow and ice are common place..and that is true but.... It seems like this year we have all had more than our fair share, and it is seemingly endless. Perhaps there are some type of Global climate changes happening that we are unaware of?? You never know?? But its made me realize more than ever that I have to be prepared for anything.. And challenged me to think about the reality of..could I deal with this long term? I'm picturing Winter...7 months long.. or maybe longer..that be rough.. I think in those kind of conditions are mindset changes.. we are no longer expecting Spring in March..we are hoping for Spring eventually..and that Hope would keep us focused on what we had to do in the meantime to carry us to the light at the end of the tunnel...
Renewal..OK..I just got a little Doomsday!! But as I said you never know..Right now my world is as it has been..Spring is right around the corner..Next week the weatherman predicts 50 degree weather...It's almost here!!
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