This week I sent off my yearly dues to my friendly neighborhood garden association!! The Sunnyside Master Gardeners!! We receive a excellent little newsletter touting the goings on of the group and interesting information about gardening and horticulture. This keeps us up to date on whats happening in the Gardening World!! As Master Gardeners we do work in the community as far as putting out information about garden related issues. During the spring and summer monthes you will find us at fleamarkets, farmers markets, and garden centers, answering questions and teaching the community about horticulture. We also volunteer in local community gardens..putting our expertise to work.. Our motto, "Helping Others Grow" speaks to our mission. To educate the public and demonstrate our knowledge through hands on projects geared to beautify the community. I found out about the Master Gardener's Association about five years ago when I by chance attended the annual "Herb and Garden Festival". Some of the Master Gardeners were there passing out pamphlets about the organization and the "Classes" you must take to become certified. These classes sounded very interesting!! An array of topics were offered from Organic gardening, to Bee Keeping!! Anyone who knows me, realizes I'm a big fan of continuing education, whether it be from a Institute of Higher Learning or the local craft shops class on jewelry making. I love knowledge..if I see a chance to gain some I'm usually there..So...that summer I signed up for the Master Gardener's fall class schedule..I absolutely loved it, so much to learn and do. My favorite class was when a local nursery came in and showed us how to do cuttings!! Wow..a whole new plant..like magic..nature at work.. Below is the actual mission statement for the organization:

The Sunnyside Master Gardener Association, dedicated to
Helping Others Grow, has been serving the southern Indiana community since 1987. We provide volunteer service by sharing our common interest and love of gardening through educational programs and beautification efforts. Members are required to have completed the Master Gardener training program, the required volunteer hours for certification and to maintain annual recertification requirements.
This spring I look forward to our "Spring Lecture Series". Some of the topics include Vegetable Gardening, Growing Patio Fruit Trees, and Cooking with Herbs!!! I can't wait to attend these..
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