These barn photos remind me of my own "Old Barn" |

Today I read an article in Capper's Farm Magazine that really struck a cord in me and pulled at my heartstrings.. The article was titled, "Childhood Memories of Our Old Farm Barn". The article discussed the authors memories of childhood playing with her five brothers and sisters, running about on the farm, and transforming the family barn into a playhouse. She notes the barn became the center stage for a circus, and the children it's stars. Their tremendous feats included, walking on a tightrope and swinging on a rope from one side of the barn to the other. She goes on to say many days the children played until dark, or until Mom called them to come to eat. Reading this article took me back to my own childhood. Specifically to the days I spent with with my cousins on the farm. We had our own "Old Barn", which has since been replaced with a shiny new one...I noticed this when I went to their house for Christmas this year...just not the same. I remember my days playing at the farm with my cousins and sister. We couldn't set still. We would feed the chickens, pet the horses, and from time to time there would be a new litter of kittens to play with..so cute. But..the Barn was definitely the focus of the days fun. We spent many a hour there, playing hide and go seek..so many nooks and crannies there to hide in. Oh...would we climb...We were the worst possible "Daredevils" fearless of just about anything. I remember once my cousin dared me to climb to the top of the barn and walk along the beams near the ceiling, then climb down a old ladder that was hanging from the rafters. I did, and I'm here now to talk about it.. We too would swing around on ropes we'd tied to the rafters. We would climb up bales of straw that were stacked very high..once we reached the top we would look out the windows and share a snack. We felt so free.. I sometimes miss feeling that free, and those uninhibited days of adventure. Then those days seemed to last forever. Now, they seem like such a distant memory. I often wonder what our parents would have said had they been privy to our antics...or perhaps they did know but they knew we were kids and we needed our adventure time. Today kids are so different, I almost feel sad for them, so many never take the time to run and play and go on "adventures".. Atleast adventures that aren't on TV or played on a video game. Children have gravitated towards their bedrooms, and couches. Streaming movies, and playing X-Box has become the order of the day. Today's child would rather have a laptop then a pony, or a ipod than, a sled. What does this mean for the future...Each generation that passes seems to loose something, something that should never have been forgotten. I see this with my own generation, as we all become more technological we loose that sense of being simple. I'm not saying it isn't great to cruise the Internet, play games,or fiddle with our cell phones..it is. But its also nice to grow your own vegetables, cut your own flowers, and set out on a summers night and look at the stars. We all must take the time to enjoy the many aspects of life, and not loose site of the little things. It's about Balance and becoming intertwined with all that is around you, and not forgetting your roots. One day your roots may save your future!!
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