Headaches..Part 2
I'm not sure if many people follow this blog.. The other day I had my first comment!! Yippy!! You would have thought it was Christmas morning as excited as I was!! I guess because I would really like to share my thoughts, feelings, and interests with the world.. Sometimes I feel like that girl on the Princess Diaries when she says, " I just found out my radio show only reaches 2 people" LOL..Maybe my blog is the same but I press on..smile. You may have noticed I hadn't posted for a couple days..so not me! But alots been going on my best friend is sick right now.. I went and visited her in the hospital yesterday. I hope she will be ok... Just a little shout out to her.. I'm thinking of you. Get well soon..love ya..
Back to headaches and allergies! I basically have a mini battle going on between me and the headache world..I'm determined to be victorious. I think I experience an array of different types of headaches. Some people think there is only one type of headache when in reality there are many!! I know I get migraines..I've had them since I was a small child. I've been told by my mom I had migraines as early as age 3, when I would throw up uncontrollably all over the house..Mann.. sorry Mom!! I didn't realize I had headaches that early in life, I remember having them around ages 7-8 and getting increasingly worse until I became a adult, then I felt like I began to grow out of them.Or perhaps I was more mature and better equipped to deal with the pain of these awful headaches. The last few years my headaches have gotten increasingly worse. So much so that according to my headache journal the DR. suggested I write..I have headaches 4-5 days out of the week..OMG Not a good way to live! I know I get migraines, but I also think I get tension headaches, and headaches related to allergies and sinus..so many to contend with. I have an appointment with a neurologist in March and I expect to get to the bottom of all this..Below is some information on different types of headaches and herbs you can use to combat them..Enjoy! I will have to try some of these and get back with you.. Later..Tension Headaches
Tension headaches plague millions of people, who usually turn to over-the-counter pharmaceuticals for relief. Stress is most often the culprit and pain arises when the muscles in the scalp, shoulder and neck become constricted. You may feel pressure around the neck and the sides of the head; these areas can be tender to the touch. Drinking teas such as chamomile, linden flower, valerian and scullcap are simple and time-honored ways to relieve tension headaches. These calming herbal teas can help unwind your muscles and take the edge off the pain. Use herbs under the supervision of a qualified healthcare professional.
Migraine Relief Herbal Tea
- 4 parts chamomile flowers
- 3 parts lemon balm
- 2 parts feverfew
- 1 part skullcap
- 1 part passion flower
- 1/4 part ginger root
- Measure the parts of each of the herbs listed and mix in a large bowl until well combined.
- Grab your tea accessories, tea infusers, and/or tea pots…and brew a cup!This herbal tea blend will keep stored in a cool, dark place for approximately 6 months. (Note: I like to store all of my teas in glass jars with tight-fitting lids.)
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