I woke up today to a completely frozen landscape. Ice has covered the power lines causing them to droop, the world is a icicle..at least for a few more days, then we enter into round 2, or 22?? I've forgotten!! Last night about 11 o'clock I heard a transformer blow, I looked out the window to discover the homes acrossed the street had lost power. People peered out their front doors holding flashlights..Alas I feel for them, a couple years ago we lost power during a snowstorm...brrrr...it was very cold in the house. I slept by the fireplace in order to stay warm. It felt very..Little House on the Prairie!! Tree limbs litter the ground, weighed down by the ice from last night. When the weather breaks there will certianly be need for a cleanup. Not loosing our power was definetly a welcome treat, usually during any inclement weather be it a thunderstorm, or snow we loose power...And it typically stays off a while. It's nice to have skated by this time...smile
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